YMCA Workplace Wellness Partnership
Corporate Memberships
The Y will match your company’s contribution up to $10/month per employee who chooses a membership, plus we will waive the joiner fee!
An Example of What This Could Look Like:
If your company chooses to contribute $10 per month per employee membership, the Y will contribute $5 and waive the joiner fee. The employee then pays no joiner fee, and receives $15 off their Y membership monthly. We invoice the company monthly with the amount that your company would owe.
You can choose any amount to contribute. You can also choose different amounts for Family Memberships vs. Single/Adult Memberships if you would like. For example, $10 towards single/adult memberships and $15 toward family. The amount is up to your company. Our Single/Adult Membership is $45.50/month with a $55 joiner fee. Our Family Membership is $65.50/month with a $75 joiner fee. Family memberships are defined 2 adults and their dependent children in the same household.
Once we have the contributions decided, we will send you a flyer with your payment amounts for your company to hang up or distribute to employees to inform them. Your employees can then come in and sign up for Y memberships! They have to do this in person to receive the corporate discount and bring in an employee ID or pay stub that will identify them as an employee with your company.
Why the Workplace setting is key:
Workplace settings are a great place to focus on changing behavior for a variety of reasons:
- People spend more time in the work setting than any other setting in an average day.
- Combined with incentive programs, the workplace provides a rich environment to change behavior and increase the number of employees with good health habits and lower number of health risk factors.
Return on Investment
How Workplace Wellness affects your company’s bottom line:
Some key benefits of Workplace Wellness:
- Decreases health care costs
- Increases productivity
- Reduces absenteeism
- Morale and retain key staff
Employees that are physically fit can make a company fiscally fit!
Contact Membership & Marketing Director for more information:
715-362-9622, ext. 108